I helped to establish a cut paper aesthetic for the New York Ave brand. One thing that really influenced the culture of the company internally from this cut paper project was the idea of showcasing the employees as little cut paper people. It’s even gone as far as to have been intergraded into being apart of the office décor and culture. Every new hire gets a paper person up on the wall. It’s grown to be a motivator as well, I’ve started making paper badges that go with the paper people. So every time you reach a new year, contribute an idea that helps lay a little more of the foundation of the company or help to innovate a process within the company you earn a paper badge that is showcased with your paper person.
This is a great example of how one part of a project can blossom into a whole other project.
Photography and staging of the photos done by myself.
Below is the paper people on the wall with the badges attached.