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Cobb Cole Law Firm


The Goal

With Cobb Cole being such a renowned company they are known throughout the community. The main objective of the site was to give people turning to their website and online presence a sense of trust in Cobb Cole to gain their business. The other primary objective was to ensure the user could easily and quickly navigate attorneys and their corresponding areas of service to provide answers to their questions / problems or help find an attorney and incentivize them to take the next step in contacting.


The Dilemma

The biggest problem I faced was to find a way to not only navigationally, but stylistically organize the 14 practice areas and 24 attorneys, especially when the attorneys interwove into the various practice areas.

The Solution

To make it easy for the user to visualize everything at once and make their choice, we decided to make a full page navigation menu. To counterbalance this mega menu, we included a very simplified main nav. The user has the choice to choose between the attorney or practice area, if they choose to want more options they can go into the mega menu area.

When you go to the attorney pages, each attorney has his or her own card that gives basic overview of them, their credentials and contact info. Within each card is also a linkable tag cloud of practice areas that attorney serves, within each practice area there are linkable cards of each attorney that serves that practice area. This helps the user easily keep track of what attorney serves what, for when the user is going through the site and becomes ready to either contact the individual or the law firm itself.