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Holder Pest Control

 The Goal

Our objective was to make the site not only a place users could go to feel confident in their pest control solutions, but informed about it. We wanted to show how Holder is the ideal choice to go with, and in doing that we wanted users to have a place to research what bug they might have in their own home and how to get rid of it - funneling them into the Call to Action / form section.

We started out broad, giving the user the option of choosing whether they’re having a pest problem, or termite. From there the user has the option of choosing what kind of pest or termite they might be dealing with. Then they would be led to specific variations of that insect. This journey lets the user feel guided in their exploration of finding the information, giving them a little more confidence by the time they reach their end result, making them more likely to contact Holder.


The Results

We give the option of whether the user wants to start out broad, or if they know exactly what insect they’re looking for they can still get to it from the homepage, without being troubled by extra steps. Once the user gets to the specific insect page we give a breakdown of how the insect looks, what it’s physical attributes are, how you identify them, what their habits are and what kind of damage they can do, along with what regions in Florida they are most commonly found. This gives the user a sense of confidence and reliance on Holder. From there we show (and reiterate from past pages) that they are licensed and insured, give the user reassurance in Holder’s customer service with testimonials, ending with a Call to Action and a form.

All illustrations and patterns were done by me to ensure that the brand felt consistent throughout and had a unique touch to it that felt very Holder.